
~ aka Emerson
Not an Expert. This is me. Coping with Mental Illness in the 21st century. Mental with all the things that come with it. Chaos. Joy. Ups. Downs. Mixed. Obsessions. Oddities. Collections. Darkness. Light. Despair. Hope.
Hi. Salut. Now that the greetings are out of the way, who the hell am I you ask? I am Emerson. I am mentally ill. I live my life with bipolar disorder, type 1, generalized anxiety, post traumatic stress disorder, ADHD, and probably something else but who knows? I am essentially a neurodivergent creative, artist and writer, trying to make sense of my brain and life. All while I raise two kids and maintain a marriage to my university sweetheart. That’s a hell of a lot harder than it sounds, let me just say.
Next why am I sharing my life and brain with you all? Well in short, to foster more acceptance and break stereotypes because living with mental illness is hard; having everyone essentially fear you because of a chemical imbalance is really, really isolating. Let’s change that.
You and me, lets change that up. It starts here, with me and you.